Posts tagged podcasting
5 Ways To Stay True To Yourself When Behind The Podcast Mic

When you decide to take the leap and launch your podcast, staying true to yourself in the process is key. It’s easy for people to lose themselves when starting a new venture because oftentimes, their sole focus is to make it work no matter the cost, even if that cost is themselves. 


When you start pushing past boundaries, taking risks and expanding yourself, it can be intimidating and lead you to question yourself, asking questions like, “Why would they want to be interviewed on my podcast?” Or, “Who am I to be putting myself on a media platform like this?” The perfect recipe for a successful podcast is when the host has confidence, perseverance and remains consistent. Don’t let negative thoughts or questions lead you; follow your gut and intuition and remember why you started ini the first place. Often the scariest ventures lead to the happiest lives. 


One thing I also love to reiterate to clients who are starting a new podcast is this amazing quote from Cathy Heller:

You absolutely HAVE to become okay with not being liked. No matter how loving or kind you are, you  will never people-please your way into collective acceptance. You could be a whole ray of sunshine and people will hate you because they’re used to rain. Be okay with shining regardless.

Overall, as long as you stay true to yourself, you will build a community of loyal fans. People admire authenticity and they invest in people.


Now that you know the importance of staying true to yourself while podcasting, let’s discuss how to actually do it: 

  1. Speak honestly. 

    • Say how you really feel, and avoid the urge to say a response that is in alignment with the expectation of those around you. It’s all in how you say it, you can disagree with someone but still be respectful and polite in the process. 

  2. Invite guests with integrity onto your show.

    •  The guests that you’ll engage with will help you create the foundation and tone for your show. You want to choose people that will provide you a safe space to be you and have a positive influence. 

  3. Don’t hide behind your mic.

    • You will have a much greater chance of long term success if you stay consistent with who you are both on and off the mic. Don’t hide or change your character or opinions the moment you get behind your mic. 

  4. Pick topics that are aligned with your values and interests. 

    • It’s essential to note with this one that as we evolve, so do our values and interests. Continue to do a self-check and stay up to date with where your values and interests lie and let them drive you to the topics you speak about. 

  5. Have fun.

    • Podcasting should be fun! Brush off any negativity and allow yourself to dive into this creative outlet. The more fun you have, the more fun it will be for your audience to listen. 

Remember, being yourself takes courage and you are worth it!

Nikki Butlerpodcasting, how to